Vomiting is a common problem in children and small babies. Parents become anxious and often rush to the Hospital for this problem.
You should know that vomiting is a protective reflex of our body to let out harmful or excessive content in the stomach.
In small babies letting out milk and curd is very common. But most of the time it is regurgitation and not vomiting. Babies swallow air while feeding, and it is responsible for regurgitation most of the time. Vomiting is forceful, throwing of stomach content. Whereas regurgitation is effortless passive coming out of stomach content into the esophagus and mouth. It is not associated with any distress in the baby, and infants are often hungry immediately after an episode.
So it is not necessary to aggressively stop the vomiting always. Although it may be an indicator of underlying severe disease.
What can mother’s do to minimize regurgitation in babies
- Proper attachment at the breast to prevent swallowing of air
- Proper burping after a feed
- Also positioning the baby approximately 30° towards head end helps to minimize regurgitation
Parents don’t need to worry about regurgitation if the baby is passing urine regularly, is active, playful, and baby is gaining weight as expected.
Vomiting can be due to something as benign as indigestion to as severe as an infection like meningitis.
Common causes of vomiting in children are:
- Food intolerance and indigestion
- Excessive and forceful feeding by caregivers
- Belly Infection likely gastroenteritis
- Other acute infection like UTI, septicemia, and meningitis
- Intestinal obstruction or blockage
- Lesions in the brain like a brain tumor
Complications of vomiting
Complications can arise if vomiting is not treated properly :
- Dehydration
- Electrolyte abnormalities
- Failure to thrive in case of chronic vomiting
- Aspiration of vomitus leading to pneumonia and breathing problem
- Bleeding from the torn esophagus, if severe retching
What to do if your child is vomiting?
- Wait for 20 to 30 minutes before giving anything to eat again
- Give sips of ORS and water repeatedly
- Give a small amount of easily digestible foods or milk more frequently
- Ondansetron can be given as per doctor’s prescription. Remember not to give anything at least 20 to 30 minutes after giving this medicine to make it work
- Watch for signs of dehydration
- Visit your doctor or Hospital if any of the danger signs present
When to worry? ( Danger symptoms)
- Repeatedly vomiting and not able to hold anything
- Not passing urine for more than 6 hours
- Other signs of dehydration: like no tear, while crying, dry mouth and very irritable child
- Associated with fever
- Associated with abdominal distention
- Green color vomiting or blood mixed vomiting
- Baby is lethargic
- Repeated episodes of intense vomiting
- The child is not gaining weight as expected in case of chronic vomiting
Always consult with your pediatrician if any of the danger symptoms is present in your baby.
Take away message:
Vomiting in children is very common. Regurgitation in small babies should be differentiated from vomiting. Parents don’t need to worry If the child is active, playful, passing urine regularly, and have no danger symptoms.
Parents should watch for the signs of dehydration and visit the doctor as necessary.
drabhijitmisra.com Disclaimer: All health information provided on this blog is for general awareness and doesn’t in any way replace a doctor’s professional medical advice. Kindly consult your doctor in case of any decision regarding your health, and diet. The information provided is for awareness. This is not meant as professional medical consultation. Healthcare is an individual decision and needs careful discussion and professional consultation before taking any decision. The author is sharing his professional knowledge. This post is meant as educational and awareness information and all decisions to be taken at own risk after consulting their own doctor in person. Health information is constantly being updated and while the author tries his best to keep updated information, the author and the website shall not be held liable for any reliance placed on such content for any reason whatsoever.
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