Cough in children: what to do? When to worry?
Cough is one of the most common complaints children suffer. Not only it cause discomfort to the child, it also elicits stress and sleepless nights for their parents.
2 out of every 3-child aged 0 to 4 years visit their paediatricians at least once a year with cough.
Most of the time cough in children are results of acute viral infection and therefore self limiting and benign. Sometime it may be the indicator of a serious underlying problem. Overall most of the time cause is acute viral infection. 10 % of the time it is asthma . 1 to 3% of cases cause is a pneumonia and rest causes are very uncommon.
Cough is divided into acute or chronic depending on the duration of symptom.
Acute cough: less than 2 weeks
Chronic cough: more than 2 to 4 weeks
Most of the time acute cough is due to acute viral infection and they do not need any medication or any investigation. So if the child is active, playful and having undisturbed sleep at night you should not worry.
However if the cough is not decreasing by the 3rd week and becoming more severe in frequency and intensity, earlier investigation is warranted.
When to worry?
- Cough in newborn or small babies
- Sudden onset cough
- Chronic cough( i.e. more than 2 weeks)
- Associated with fever, weight loss, night sweats, blood mixed sputum etc.
- Cough with feeding
- Continuous unremitting or worsening cough
What to do?
- Ensure adequate hydration: give more water
- Saline nasal drops: to unblock the nose as needed
- Don’t give antitussives(cough medicines) on your own: most of the times over the counter antitussive medications are not effective in children. They can do more harm than good to your child.
- Don’t give antibiotics on your own: which may be harmful .
- Give paracetamol: if associated fever or severe pain in throat
- Consult your doctor : it any of the above mentioned enlisted above in “when to worry” column present
So to conclude: cough in children is a very common symptom and most of the time it is self-limiting and do not need any treatment. You should not worry if your child is active, playful, feeding well, and having undisturbed sleep. But you must visit your pediatrician if any of the “when to worry” symptoms present.
This is part of the Blogchatter initiative #CauseAChatter.
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drabhijitmisra.com Disclaimer: All health information provided on this blog is for general awareness and doesn’t in any way replace a doctor’s professional medical advice. Kindly consult your doctor in case of any decision regarding your health, and diet. The information provided is for awareness. This is not meant as professional medical consultation. Healthcare is an individual decision and needs careful discussion and professional consultation before taking any decision. The author is sharing his professional knowledge. This post is meant as educational and awareness information and all decisions to be taken at own risk after consulting their own doctor in person. Health information is constantly being updated and while the author tries his best to keep updated information, the author and the website shall not be held liable for any reliance placed on such content for any reason whatsoever.
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